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Price: $72.10

Now you can download our popular Stits covering & painting system instructional video (for model scale), with lots of great technical information for using the system on any project.

Rand-O-Fill G-6303 is a non-tautening butyrate material designed as the aluminum spray coat over Rand-O-Proof G-6302, over Nitrate Clear Dope or Butyrate Clear Dope.

Rand-O-Fill G-6303 is a non-tautening butyrate material designed as the aluminum spray coat over Rand-O-Proof G-6302, over Nitrate Clear Dope or Butyrate Clear Dope. Allow to dry. Wet sand to desired smoothness. Wash and allow surface to completely dry before applying following coat. Thin as needed with Butyrate Thinner.

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