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The Aerothane Gallon Kit includes: 3/4 Gallon of paint, 1 quart of Catalyst, totaling 1 Gallon when mixed.
Poly-Fiber Aero-Thane is a tough, flexible, solvent, chemical, abrasion, and weather-resistant high-gloss, two-part polyurethane recommended as the best quality fabric finish over Poly-Fiber covering materials, and all primed metal and glass fiber composite components on fabric-covered aircraft. Also recommended to refinish suitably rejuvenated nitrate and butyrate dope-coated aircraft fabric surfaces, all old sound finishes on metal and glass fiber aircraft components, old finishes on glass fiber or metal boat hulls, automotive, truck and industrial equipment.
SURFACE PREPARATION: Surface must be dry and free of oil, dirt, wax, grease, and silicone. Contamination may cause fisheyes and craters. Remove oil, wax, grease, and fingerprints with C-2210 Paint Surface Cleaner. Remove silicone residue from polish with 310 Detergent Cleaner diluted with 20 parts water. Epoxy primer aged over 2 days should be lightly scuff sanded with Scotch-Brite Pads or 320 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper to provide tooth adhesion. Wipe surfaces lightly with a clean tack rag immediately prior to painting. Any surface irregularities, heavy sanding scratches, or dust particles may be telegraphed thru the high gloss finish. Fresh painted surfaces should be protected from dust and insects until dust free.
PAINT PREPARATION: Pigments may hard settle after 3 months storage. Invert the can every 30 days to avoid pigment compaction. Pigments hard settled in extended storage should be dislodged from the bottom with a tool, then dispersed thoroughly by agitating with a double-action paint shaker for 10 minutes.
MIXING PROCEDURE: Add 1 part U-865 catalyst to 3 parts Aero-Thane base (1 qt to 3⁄4 gal). Stir thoroughly. Ratio must be accurate for best characteristics. Allow 20 minutes induction time before thinning.
THINNING: For standard suction guns (compressors), thin Aero-Thane 33%. An easy measurement is 3 parts catalyzed Aero-Thane to 1 part UE-820 Reducer. For turbinepowered HVLPs, you may need to thin more, up to 40% (3:2 ratio). Filter through a 60x48-mesh or finer paint strainer cone.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Spray a light color coat, enough for gloss and color, but not enough to run. WAIT until this coat is tacky and transfers no color to your finger. Should take 20 minutes at 77°, longer at cooler temperatures. Don‘t let this first coat dry completely. Spray a medium coat of paint. This coat should flow out and look wet; again don‘t flood it on. Now spray a final wet coat for fill and color. Do not flood it on! That‘s a total of three coats, wet, but not enough to run. These are normal coats, not cross coats. Dry film thickness should be approx. 1.7 mils (.0017). Application in less than 55°F. temperature is not recommended. Do not spray in ambient air temperature above 95°F. due to accelerated polymerization caused by the heat, resulting in reduced gloss. Relative humidity above 80% accelerates polymerization and may reduce gloss if exposed before drying 12 hours.
COVERAGE: 1 gallon of catalyzed Aero-Thane polyurethane will cover approximately 225 sq ft with one coat. POT LIFE: The sooner Aero-Thane is applied after the induction period the better the durability. Maximum pot life is 7 hours at 77°F. Discard materials when viscosity increases or becomes stringy when tested between the fingers. Do not add reducer to extend pot life after thickening occurs.
EXTENDED POT LIFE: The polymerization of the catalyzed Aero- Thane may be suspended 24 hours or longer by storing at 30°F. or less in a refrigerator. Warm to room temperature before spraying.
CLEAN UP: Use MEK or UE-820 Reducer before material has started to polymerize in the equipment.
DRY DUST FREE: One hour at 77°F. and approximately 50% relative humidity.
DRY TO TAPE: 10 to 12 hours at 77°F. and approximately 50% relative humidity.
FULL CURE TIME: Seven days at 77°F. and approximately 50% relative humidity.
RECOATING: All surfaces which have cured more than two days should be scuff sanded to provide tooth adhesion for the new coat. Use Scotch-Brite No. 7448 pads or 400-grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. May be removed from metal surfaces with any commercial paint stripper.
SPOT REPAIRS: Areas to be refinished after repairs should be masked to a structural division line or seam or the overspray levelled with a “melt-in” by immediately mist coating the area with a mixture of 1 qt. UE-820 Reducer to 1 oz UR-826 Retarder.
SHELF LIFE: Guaranteed shelf life, unopened, in protected storage at room temperature is four years from date of manufacture. Avoid long-range storage above 100°F. Not affected by freezing.
COLORS: Available in all standard Poly-Fiber colors. Aero-Thane is designated by adding the letters “AO” in front of the color number. Example: AO-191 is Pontiac Red. PACKAGING: One-quart and onegallon kits only. One-Quart Kit = 3⁄4-filled quart base component plus 1⁄2 pint of catalyst. One-Gallon Kit = 3⁄4-filled gallon base component plus 1 quart of catalyst.
COMPANION PRODUCTS: UE-820 Urethane Reducer UR-826 Urethane Retarder U-865 Urethane Catalyst